Empowering Individuals and the Economy Through Broadband
The Alliance for Public Technology & The National Consumers League
Thursday, December 4, 2008
2203 Rayburn House Office Building
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Karyne Jones
President and CEO, National Caucus and Center on Black Aged, Inc.
Program Chair, Alliance for Public Technology
Sally Greenberg
Executive Director, National Consumers League
Nancy Reid
1st Place Winner, Broadband Changed My Life! Contest
Kenneth R. Peres, Ph.D.
Communications Workers of America
President, Alliance for Public Technology
Joy Howell
Director, APT's Broadband Changed My Life!TM Campaign
RSVP: http://ga3.org/apt/events/hillevent120408/details.tcl
The Alliance for Public Technology (APT) is a nonprofit membership organization based in Washington, D.C., which was founded in 1989 to foster public policies that ensure access to advanced telecommunications technologies for all Americans. APT is the leading consumer group focused exclusively on broadband and advanced telecommunications technologies. APT can be found online at www.apt.org. APT's "Broadband Changed My Life!" campaign is a nationwide initiative to raise awareness of the life enhancing benefits of broadband technologies and services. The purpose of the contest was to highlight individuals willing to share their story about how broadband has made a profound difference in their lives.
The National Consumers League (NCL) is a private, nonprofit advocacy group representing consumers on marketplace and workplace issues. Founded in 1899, it is the nation's oldest consumer organization. NCL's mission is to protect and promote social and economic justice for consumers and workers in the United States and abroad. It provides government, businesses, and other organizations with the consumer's perspective on concerns including child labor, privacy, food safety, and medication information. For more information, visit www.nclnet.org.