FCC Workshop on Gigabit Network Deployments
Workshop on Gigabit Network Deployments
Federal Communications Commission
March 27, 2013
On January 18, 2013, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski issued the Gigabit City Challenge, challenging broadband Internet providers and local and state governments to bring at least one gigabit-speed Internet community to all 50 states by 2015. Communities and providers across the nation are deploying gigabit broadband networks and leveraging these new capabilities to drive innovation, grow their economy, and benefit schools, health care systems, and anchor institutions.
To help communities achieve this goal, Chairman Genachowski announced that the Commission would host workshops designed to analyze successful gigabit network deployments, and to provide information on how industry, local, and state leaders can meet the goals of the Gigabit City Challenge.
On March 27, 2013, the Wireline Competition Bureau will host the first of these workshops. The goal of this workshop is to explore how current gigabit communities deployed their networks, the economic and social benefits that accrue to gigabit communities, ways communities can aggregate demand in order to make a gigabit network deployment more economically appealing, and how communities can leverage their assets to incent an ultra-fast network. The workshop will be free and open to the public.