FCC's Disability Advisory Committee
Disability Advisory Committee
Federal Communications Commission
Tuesday, February 23
9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time
At its February 23, 2016 meeting, the Committee is expected to receive and consider reports and recommendations from its subcommittees, as follows:
- A report on the activities of its Communications Subcommittee;
- A report and recommendation from its Emergency Communications Subcommittee regarding the provision of N-1-1 services through telecommunications relay services;
- An update from its Emergency Communications Subcommittee regarding improvements to Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs) proposed by the FCC in November 2015;
- A recommendation from its Relay & Equipment Distribution Subcommittee regarding the compatibility of the Commission’s Accessible Communication for Everyone (“ACE”) platform with Next-Generation 911 services;
- A recommendation from its Technology Transitions Subcommittee regarding ways to address the transition to real-time text; and
- Recommendations from its Video Programming Subcommittee regarding 1) interagency collaboration to address access to captioning and video description in places of public accommodations and other venues, such as aircraft, where video programming may be shown; and 2) questions for the Commission to consider in a rulemaking that may address the number of television programming hours that must be video described.