The FCC's Vision for the Future of 5G
The spectrum debate rests squarely on one central question: How can we widen our 5G broadband footprint?
The Federal Communications Commission has been moving quickly on important spectrum issues during this pandemic, such as promoting WiFi capabilities to provide more access to broadband and moving forward on key auctions that will support innovative 5G services, like telehealth and connected cars. While we’ve been able to get by on very few spectrum bands so far, this will soon no longer be the case as the density increases with our myriad of operating devices. The only solution is to find new spectrum bands to leverage.
Lincoln Network invites you to join for a 1-hour digital fireside chat with FCC Commissioner Mike O'Rielly and telecommunications expert Joel Thayer of Phillips Lytle LLP. This discussion will cover Commissioner O'Rielly's spectrum agenda, how the FCC's policies will develop in the coming months, and how it will help with our country's economic recovery.