How to Ignite, or Quash, a Revolution in 140 Characters or Less
The Promise and Limitations of New Technologies in Spreading Democracy
Arizona State University | New America Foundation | Slate magazine
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Do the Internet and social media empower Big Brother or individuals in autocratic regimes, or do they offer a rare level playing field?
This year's Arab Spring resurrected exuberant claims for the role of new technologies in spreading democracy. At the same time self-proclaimed "cyber-realists" were quick to point out that President Mubarak's problems seemed to grow after he unplugged the Internet. Now, summer's deadly stalemate in Syria has given pause to anyone peddling absolute theories about the interplay between new information technologies and revolution.
If not a panacea, how can social media and the Internet be deployed to maximize civic engagement in autocratic societies? Does the U.S. policy of supporting Internet Freedom amount to a policy of regime change in some countries? When Big Brother does unplug the Internet, what can, or should, the rest of us do about it?
A reception will immediately follow the event.
2:00 pm - Reflecting on the Tunisian Hair Trigger
Sami Ben Gharbia (from Tunisia)
Advocacy Director, Global Voices
Steve Coll
New America Foundation
2:20 pm - Internet Freedom and Human Rights: The Obama Administration's Perspective
Michael H. Posner
Assistant Secretary of State for Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
U.S. Department of State
Jacob Weisberg
Chairman and Editor-in-Chief
Slate Group
2:50 pm - Friending Revolutions: Social Media and Political Change in Egypt and Beyond
Merlyna Lim
Professor, Consortium of Science, Policy and Outcomes and the School of Social Transformation - Justice and Social Inquiry Program
Arizona State University
3:10 pm - How the Arab Spring Begat a Deadly Summer
Ahmed Al Omran
Ammar Abdulhamid
Executive Director, Tharwa Foundation
Blogger and Human Rights Activist
Oula Alrifai
Syrian Youth Activist
Katherine Zoepf
Schwartz Fellow, New America Foundation
Contributor, New York Times
4:00 pm - Myths, Realities, and Inconvenient Truths of the Internet
Rebecca MacKinnon
Senior Schwartz Fellow, New America Foundation
Co-founder, Global Voices Online
4:30 pm - The View from Havana
Yoani Sanchez (via video)
Human Rights Activist
4:45 pm - Internet Freedom's Next Frontiers?
Mary Jo Porter
English Translator for Yoani Sanchez and other Cuban bloggers
Co-founder, and
Marcus Noland
Deputy Director, Peterson Institute for International Economics
Witness to Transformation: Refugee Insights into North Korea
Andrés Martinez
Co-Director, Future Tense Initiative
Director, Bernard L. Schwartz Fellows Program, New America Foundation
5:20 pm - Bypassing the Master Switch
Sascha Meinrath
Director, Open Technology Initiative
New America Foundation
Ian Schuler
Senior Program Manager, Internet Freedoms Program
U.S. Department of State
Robert Wright
Future Tense Fellow, New America Foundation
Author, Nonzero, The Moral Animal, and The Evolution of God
To RSVP for the event:
For questions, contact Stephanie Gunter at (202) 596-3367 or