Information Overload: How Elected Leaders Find Expert Knowledge in the Internet Era
New America Foundation
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Contemporary policy issues require purposeful analysis and expert judgment. But today's governments, both state and federal, too often rely on outdated ways to collect and sort quality information. The Internet, mobile technology, and Big Data have made this process even harder by creating an information overload. In order to serve the needs of America in the 21st Century, elected leaders must have access to knowledge tools to explain context, sort substance from sentiment, filter for quality, and forecast implications.
Featured Speakers
Gary VanLandingham
Director, Results First, Pew Center on the States
Lorelei Kelly
Leader, Smart Congress pilot
Research Fellow, Open Technology Institute, New America Foundation
Ben Freakley (Lt. Gen., retired)
Special Advisor to the President, The School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University
Andrew Rich
Executive Secretary, Truman Scholarship Foundation
For questions, contact Stephanie Gunter at New America at (202) 596-3367 or
Copies of Lorelei Kelly's forthcoming paper, "Congress' Wicked Problem: Seeking Knowledge Inside the Information Tsunami," will be available.