Lifting Voices: Legislation to Promote Media Marketplace Diversity
A hearing to consider legislation that would ensure our media laws reflect the great diversity of this nation
H.Res. 549, reaffirming the commitment to media diversity and pledging to work with media entitities and diverse stakeholders to develop common ground solutions to eliminate barriers to media diversity
H.R. 3957, the "Expanding Broadcast Ownership Opportunities Act of 2019"
H.R. 5564, the "Enhancing Broadcaster Diversity and Inclusion by Verifying and Ensuring the Reporting required by Statute is Transpiring and Yielding Data Act" or the "Enhancing Broadcaster DIVERSITY Data Act"
H.R. 5567, the "Measuring the Economics Driving Investments and Access for Diversity Act of 2020" or the "MEDIA Diversity Act of 2020"
Maurita Coley, Esq.
President and CEO
Multicultural Media, Telecom and Internet Council
Clint Odom
Senior Vice President, Advocacy & Policy &
Executive Director, Washington Bureau
National Urban League
Catherine J.K. Sandoval
Associate Professor
Santa Clara University School of Law
Diane Sutter
ShootingStar Inc.