The Limits of Fixed Wireless Technology for Rural Communities

Fiber Broadband Association

Wednesday, August 3, 2022 - 10:00am
Time Zone 
Virtual Event

Presenter: Andrew Afflerbach, Ph.D., P.E., CEO and Chief Technology Officer, CTC Technology & Energy

Moderator: Gary Bolton, President and CEO, Fiber Broadband Association

As states examine how to best invest federal funds to deploy broadband in unserved and underserved areas, a new study developed by CTC Technology & Energy analyzed fixed wireless technologies and their suitability for delivering broadband service in various environments. Join us for Fiber for Breakfast and an in-depth conversation analyzing fixed wireless and fiber technology in unserved rural areas. Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Andrew Afflerbach, P.E., will discuss considerations such as long-term impacts of fiber technology through infrastructure and population mapping; realistic cost modeling; and the maintenance, benefits, capacity, and performance of fiber technology.