Mobile Payments and Their Impact on Consumers (updated with agenda)
Mobile Payments and Their Impact on Consumers
Federal Trade Commission
April 26, 2012
The Federal Trade Commission will host a workshop on April 26, 2012, to examine the use of mobile payments in the marketplace and how this emerging technology impacts consumers. This event will bring together consumer advocates, industry representatives, government regulators, technologists, and academics to examine a wide range of issues, including the technology and business models used in mobile payments, the consumer protection issues raised, and the experiences of other nations where mobile payments are more common. The workshop will be free and open to the public.
8:00 A.M. Registration
8:30 Welcoming Remarks
David Vladeck, Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection, FTC
8:45 Mobile Payments: The Present and the Future
Carole Coye Benson, Managing Partner, Glenbrook Partners
9:15 Panel 1 – Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses and Consumers
Moderators: Andrew Hasty, Mobile Technology Program Specialist, Division of Financial Practices, FTC
Malini Mithal, Assistant Director, Division of Financial Practices, FTC
- James Anderson, Group Head, Mobile Product Development, Emerging Payments Group, MasterCard
- Kyle Enright, Head of Business Development, Payments, Google
- Robin Leidenthal, Senior Leader Payment Solutions, Intuit, Inc.
- Adam Levitin, Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center
- Seth Priebatsch, Chief Ninja, SCVNGR/LevelUp
- Lauren Saunders, Managing Attorney, National Consumer Law Center
10:45 Break
11:00 Panel 2 – Legal Landscape and Dispute Resolution
Moderators: Thomas Kane, Attorney, Division of Financial Practices, FTC
Patricia Poss, Chief, Bureau of Consumer Protection Mobile Technology Unit, Division of Financial Practices, FTC
- Thomas Brown, Partner, Paul Hastings LLP and Adjunct Professor of Law at U.C. Berkeley Law School
- Marianne Crowe, Vice President, Payment Strategies, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
- Jörgen Gren, Deputy Head of Unit, Policy and Coordination, Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media (DG-INFSO), European Commission
- Michelle Jun, Senior Attorney, Consumers Union
- Martine Niejadlik, Compliance Officer and Vice President, Customer and Merchant Support, Boku
12:30 P.M. Lunch
1:45 Presentation: Mobile Payments Around the World
Brigitte Acoca, Administrator, Information, Communications and Consumer Policy Division, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
2:00 Panel 3 – Drilling Down: Fraud Mitigation and Data Security
Moderators: James Chen, Attorney, Division of Financial Practices, FTC
Manas Mohapatra, Attorney, BCP Mobile Technology Unit, Division of Financial Practices, FTC
- Bradley Greene, Senior Business Leader, Mobile Product, Visa Inc.
- Ryan Hughes, Chief Marketing Officer, Isis
- Sarah Jane Hughes, University Scholar and Fellow in Commercial Law, Maurer School of Law, Indiana University
- Ben Milne, CEO and Co-Founder, Dwolla
3:15 Break
3:30 Panel 4 – Drilling Down: Privacy Issues
Moderator: Stacy Feuer, Assistant Director for International Consumer Protection, FTC
Katherine White, Attorney, Division of Privacy and Identity Protection, FTC
- Mallory Duncan, Senior Vice President, General Counsel, National Retail Federation
- Harley Geiger, Policy Counsel, Center for Democracy & Technology
- Susan Grant, Director of Consumer Protection, Consumer Federation of America
- Michael Spadea, Director, Promontory Financial Group, LLC
- Pat Walshe, Director of Privacy, GSM Association
4:30 Closing Remarks
Jessica Rich, Associate Director, Division of Financial Practices, FTC
To aid in preparation for the workshop, FTC staff welcomes comments from the public, including original research, surveys and academic papers. Electronic comments can be made at Paper comments should be mailed or delivered to: 600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Room H-113 (Annex B), Washington, DC 20580.
The workshop is free and open to the public; it will be held at the FTC's Satellite Building Conference Center, 601 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.