Open Internet Webinar

Davis Wright Tremaine
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EDT

As the Obama Administration winds down, the FCC has moved forward with a series of Internet-related initiatives in quick succession including new rules impacting Lifeline and Open Internet and proposed privacy rules. Please join us as we discuss the latest orders and NPRMs, how they intersect, and how the new rules and proposals will impact your business. We will also discuss the reaction on Capitol Hill and an interesting regulatory matter involving Facebook and India and how it relates to the U.S.


  1. Privacy NPRM, presented by Christin McMeley
  2. Transparency & disclosure, presented by K.C. Halm & Adam Shoemaker
  3. Capitol Hill update, presented by Kim Bayliss & Steve Perry
  4. Broadband Lifeline, presented by Danielle Frappier
  5. Zero Rating – Facebook’s India Experience and Beyond, presented by Mike Sloan

MODERATOR: Jim Tomlinson

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