Opportunities for Bipartisan Tech Policy 2020

Next Century Cities

Thursday, January 23, 2020 - 3:00pm to 10:00pm

Elected officials, policymakers, advocates, and other thought leaders from across the country will gather to discuss some of the most significant technology and telecommunications policy issues of our time. The goal of Opportunities for Bipartisan Tech Policy is to facilitate challenging conversations, find common ground, and determine action steps on these issues. 

Program Outline

  • Breakfast
  • Welcome Remarks
  • Morning Keynote
  • Panel Discussion: Broadband Access Versus Broadband Subscriptions — The Difference and Why It Matters

Imagine trying to navigate a digital society without any access to technology. Routine tasks like registering for insurance or applying for a loan are severely limited. Economic mobility and remote learning opportunities may remain unattainable. How do we reach communities that are still struggling to provide residents with broadband? What barriers prevent those populations from subscribing and how can we support digital participation?

  • Moderator: Alejandro Roark, Executive Director, Hispanic Technology & Telecommunications Partnership
  • Joshua Edmonds, Director of Digital Inclusion, City of Detroit
  • Jonathan Sallet, Senior Fellow, Benton Institute for Broadband & Society
  • Angela Siefer, Executive Director, National Digital Inclusion Alliance
  • Tom Struble, Technology & Innovation Manager, R Street Institute
  • Tech Talk: How Access to Technology Is Changing Outcomes for Students
  • Panel Discussion: Creating Accurate and Reliable Broadband Deployment Data
  • Lunch Keynote
  • Panel Discussion: We’re On Our Own for Infrastructure
  • Debate: Platform Regulations — Where Should Congress Start?
  • Interactive Presentation: How Census Dollars Trickle Down to Communities
  • Closing Remarks


25 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 900
Washington , DC