The Role of Circumvention Tools in Internet Filtering Countries

New America Foundation
Monday, December 16, 2013
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Countries throughout the world filter Internet content, including Iran, China, Cuba, and Vietnam, among others. Find out why users adopt different censorship circumvention tools, and the impact and role they play in their respective countries.

The talk, presented by researcher Collin Anderson, will highlight some of his most recent work, and explore:

  • How we can begin to build a better understanding of the adoption of privacy and anonymity tools in Internet-censoring countries?
  • Why is understanding the circumvention ecosystem important?
  • When do issues of privacy and potential deanonymization of users affect current research
  • What are the initial findings of this research, and what do they tell us about Internet Freedom efforts?
  • Where do we take this research next, and answer the pressing question that affect tool development?

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To RSVP for the event:

For questions, contact Kirsten Holtz at New America at (202) 735-2806 or