Sharpening Our Competitive Edge Through Investment in Advanced Technology Tools for Learning
The New America Foundation invites you to a U.S. House of Representatives Innovation Week Briefing and interactive technology demonstration:
Wednesday, June 14th, 2006
10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (refreshments will be served)
U.S. Capitol, Room HC-5
Washington, D.C.
Featured Speakers:
Dexter Fletcher
Senior Researcher, Institute for Defense Analyses
Henry Kelly
President, Federation of American Scientists
Lawrence K. Grossman
Co-Chair, Digital Promise and
Former President, NBC News and PBS
Marland Buckner
Senior Federal Affairs Manager, Microsoft Corporation
Walter Cheek
Vice President, BreakAway Games, Inc.
Michael Calabrese
Vice President & Director, Wireless Future Program, New America Foundation
In its recent report, Rising Above the Gathering Storm, the National Academies concluded what many have long feared to be true—that the nation's outdated education and workforce development systems are inadequately preparing America's citizens for the jobs and global competition of the 21st Century. One of the most promising ways to remedy this is by investing in the research and development of advanced learning technologies, such as educational games and virtual reality simulations. To commemorate House Innovation Week, the New America Foundation and Digital Promise, in cooperation with Congressman Ralph Regula (R-OH), invite you to a briefing and demonstration on advanced learning technologies.
This is the complement to our popular Senate briefing in May, so if you missed it, here's another opportunity to learn about the importance of R&D into advanced technology tools for teaching and training—an essential investment to maintain America’s innovative potential and competitive edge.
Please join us and see for yourself how we can harness the power of virtual reality, high-tech gaming platforms, intelligent computer tutors and other cutting-edge technology for teaching, learning and workforce training. You will be able to see and "play" prototypes of advanced learning games created under the leadership of the Federation of American Scientists, including:
* Immune Attack! — an advanced video game teaching human immunology from the 9th grade to the college level;
* Discover Babylon — a cultural, educational and historical virtual reality of ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq);
* Mass Casualty Incident Responder — a high-stress, interactive real-time decision-making training simulation to teach firefighters and serve as a model for other first responder training.
The briefing and demonstration will highlight the potential impact of the Digital Opportunity Investment Trust (DO IT) legislation (HR.2512, S.1023) sponsored by Representatives Regula (R-OH), Markey (D-MA), Gillmor (R-OH), Holt (D-NJ), Boucher (D-VA) and Wolf (R-VA) in the House, and Senators Dodd (D-CT), Snowe (R-ME), Durbin (D-IL), and Burns (R-MT) in the Senate. DO IT is a proposal for increased federal leadership and investment in R&D for advanced learning technologies to ensure innovation and competitiveness in the knowledge-based economy. Industry representatives will also speak to the need for federal leadership in investing in research for new technologies for teaching and training.
RSVP to New America Foundation’s Communications Department at with name, affiliation, and contact information. If you have questions, call or email Naveen Lakshmipathy at (202) 986-2700 or