Spectrum Efficiency and Receiver Performance

Office of Engineering and Technology
Federal Communications Commission
Monday, March 12, 2012 and Tuesday, March 13, 2012

This two-day workshop will discuss the characteristics of receivers and how their performance can affect the efficient use of spectrum and opportunities for the creation of new services. Key topics will include current practices for receiver design, case studies involving interference due to receiver characteristics, and approaches for promoting interference avoidance and efficient use of spectrum, given the current receiver base and potential future deployments. The workshop will include perspectives from licensees, equipment manufacturers, component providers, and other interested parties.

For further information, contact Michael Ha, Office of Engineering and Technology at (202) 418-2099 or by email: michael.ha@fcc.gov

Day 1 (March 12, 2012)

9:30 am Session 1: Introduction - Rule of Receivers in Spectrum Efficiency
Julius Knapp, Chief, FCC Office of Engineering and Technology
Karl Nebbia, Associate Administrator, NTIA Office of Spectrum Management

10:00 am Session 2: Receiver and Interference Basics
Dennis Roberson, Vice Provost, Executive Director and Research Professor, Illinois
Institute of Technology, Member, FCC Technological Advisory Council (TAC)

10:30 am - Session 3: Receiver Ecosystem

12:00 pm Kathy Barnes, Senior Director of Network and Device Quality Assurance, T-Mobile
Terry Smith, Corporate Vice President and Chief Engineering Officer, Sirius XM
John Foley, Director of Aviation GNSS Technology, Garmin
Steve Wilkus, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Alcatel-Lucent
Steven Loh, Senior Staff Engineer, Samsung
David Gurney, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Motorola
Gene Fong, Senior Staff Engineer, Qualcomm CDMA Technologies
Moderators: Michael Ha, EMC Division, FCC Office of Engineering and Technology;
Robert Weller, Branch Chief, EMC Division, FCC Office of Engineering and Technology

12:00 pm - Lunch Break

1:00 pm (Attendees are encouraged to bring lunch or to purchase lunch in the FCC courtyard restaurant)

1:00 pm - Session 4: Experiences and Lessons Learned

3:00 pm David Gurney, Distinguished Member of Staff Engineer, Motorola
Larry Krevor, Vice President of Legal and Government Affairs, Sprint-Nextel
Dan Wilson, Principal Engineer, T-Mobile
Victor Tawil, Senior Vice President, National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)
Terry Smith, Corporate Vice President and Chief Engineering Officer, Sirius XM
Kurt Schaubach, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, NRTC
Brian Markwalter, Senior Vice President of Research and Standards, Consumer
Electronics Association (CEA)
Doug Smith, Chief Network Officer, Lightsquared
Paul Galyean, Director of Advanced Engineering, NavCom Technology
Moderator: Dennis Roberson, Vice Provost Illinois Institute of Technology

3:00 pm - Break

3:15 pm

3:15 pm - Session 5: Receiver Performance and Industry Standards

4:45 pm Ali Khayrallah, Director of Research, Ericsson
Dennis Martinez, Chief Technology Officer, Harris
Ed Drocella, Chief, Spectrum Engineering and Analysis Division, NTIA
Bruce DeCleene, Manager, Avionics Systems Branch, FAA
John Henderson, Chair of ATSC TG1/S10, the Specialist Group on Receivers
Moderators: Tom Peters, Chief Engineer, FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau,
Charles Mathias, Associate Bureau Chief, FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau

4:45 – 5 pm Adjourn

Day 2 (March 13, 2012)

9:30 am - Session 6: Policy Alternatives

10:30 am Pierre de Vries, Senior Adjunct Fellow, Silicon Flatiron Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder
Dennis Roberson, Vice Provost, University of Illinois Institute
Dale Hatfield, Adjunct Professor, University of Colorado at Boulder
Evan Kwerel, Senior Economic Advisor, FCC Office of Strategic Planning and Policy
Moderator: John Leibovitz, Deputy Chief, FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau

10:30 am - Session 7: Panel Discussion

12:30 pm Pierre de Vries, Senior Adjunct Fellow, Silicon Flatiron Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder
Dennis Roberson, Vice Provost, University of Illinois Institute
Evan Kwerel, Senior Economic Advisor, FCC Office of Strategic Planning and Policy
Steve Sharkey, Chief, Engineering and Technology Policy, Federal Regulatory, T-Mobile
Larry Krevor, Vice President of Legal and Government Affairs, Sprint-Nextel
Steve Wilkus, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Alcatel-Lucent
Dean Brenner, Vice President, Government Affairs, Qualcomm
Henning Schulzrinne, Chief Technology Officer, FCC
Doug Sicker, Chief Technology Officer and Senior Advisor for Spectrum, NTIA
Moderator: Dale Hatfield, Adjunct Professor, University of Colorado at Boulder

12:30 pm Wrap Up
Julius Knapp, Chief, FCC Office of Engineering and Technology