Spectrum Policy Symposium

National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Monday, September 19, 2022 - 8:00am to 4:00pm
Time Zone 
Live Event

A symposium to focus on developing, implementing, and maintaining a sustainable national spectrum strategy along with a focus on evolving spectrum management techniques. These focal points will enable the United States to strengthen its global leadership role in the introduction of new wireless telecommunications technologies, services, and innovations, while also supporting the expansion of existing technologies and the nation’s homeland security and public safety, national defense, scientific and technological advancement, and other critical government missions.

Leaders from the United States Government, including the Department of Commerce and the Federal Communications Commission, have been invited to provide keynote remarks. Panelists are expected to include participants from across the federal government, along with private sector and non-profit organizations. Prior to the symposium event, NTIA will post detailed program information on its website: www.ntia.gov

The symposium is open to the public and members of the press to attend in person or to view through a webcast available on the NTIA website. NOTE: The National Press Club may ask attendees to show identification and proof of vaccination against COVID–19. While not required, NTIA asks that attendees, including those watching the online webcast, provide registration information prior to the event to include name, email address, and organization (optional). Registration information and the agenda, including any updates, will be made available on NTIA’s website.

The event webcast will be close-captioned. Individuals requiring special accommodations, such as sign language interpretation or other ancillary aids, should notify Mr. Alden at the contact information listed above at least ten (10) business days before the event.