Tangled Web: Will the Internet be Free for the Press?
May 31, 2006
9:00 am
The National Press Club
First Amendment Lounge
529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor, Washington, DC
Featuring --
Matt Cooper, Time Magazine
Bob Dietz, Asia Program Coordinator for the Committee to Protect Journalists
James Andrew Lewis, Director of the Technology and Public Policy Program at CSIS
Arch Puddington, Director of Research at Freedom House
Moderated by: Susan Bennett, the Newseum’s Director for International Exhibits
The Internet has emerged as a 21st century battleground for freedom of expression. From China to Zimbabwe to Iran, the Internet’s ability to connect people and give voice to opinions is under threat from authoritarian regimes. The largest Internet companies – Google, Microsoft and Yahoo! – have also faced criticism for accepting China’s restrictions on free speech. How will limits on Internet access or censorship affect the free flow of information essential to a free press? What are the prospects for the Internet’s success in opening and democratizing closed societies?
To RSVP, email abrams@freedomhouse.org, or call 202-747-7035.