There’s an App for That: Trends in Mobile Technologies

Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, Innovation, and the Internet

Senate Commerce Committee

Tuesday, May 15, 2018 - 7:30pm

The hearing will examine the state of the mobile app economy and its role in fostering job creation, e-commerce, innovation, and technology investment in the United States, and how apps are disrupting traditional business models and evolving in their sophistication and utility for consumers and businesses. Additionally, the hearing will explore ways to improve mobile broadband connectivity and how to address policy issues to support the continued growth and prosperity of the app economy.


  • Mr. Mike Forster, Chairman, Innovate Mississippi and Founder, Mississippi Coding Academies
  • Dr. Sarah Oh, Research Fellow, Technology Policy Institute
  • Mr. Morgan Reed, President, ACT – The App Association

Russell Senate Office Building
Delaware Ave NE and Constitution Ave NW Room 253
Washington , DC