Toward a Single, Global Digital Economy: The First Report of the Aspen Institute IDEA Project
Toward a Single, Global Digital Economy:
The First Report of the Aspen Institute IDEA Project
Aspen Institute
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
12pm - 2pm
The public session will feature a presentation of the report by Aspen IDEA Project Chairman Reed Hundt, followed by a response from FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski and White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Deputy Chief Technology Officer Daniel Weitzner. Following that, Charlie Firestone, Executive Director of the Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program, will moderate a discussion on multistakeholder Internet governance with the audience.
The Aspen Institute IDEA Project is an internationally inclusive project designed to explore the free flow of communications across borders on a unified Internet. The report resulting from the two-year long Aspen IDEA Project discusses critical steps forward for establishing a fair, effective, and empowering multi-stakeholder system for governing the flow and use of data in a single global digital economy.
Can't attend in person? Watch the LIVE WEBCAST on Tuesday. The event will be streamed live at and you can join the discussion on Twitter using the hashtag #ideareport or by following @aspencs.
To RSVP for this event, please email by Friday April 20, 2012.
The Report will be available online beginning April 24