Wiki White House
Can Obama Use Technology to Transform Government?
Co-sponsored by New America Foundation, Wired Magazine, and Google
901 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Friday, January 9, 2009
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Technology evangelists believe that Barack Obama has the potential to fundamentally alter communication between the presidency and the people. Wikis in the White House? Online public comments on legislation? A real-time two-way conversation between citizens and their elected officials?
For better or worse, however, nothing is as easy as it might seem. Federal regulations, First Amendment issues, and just plain common sense are going to slow-- and potentially stagnate-- technological innovation in Washington.
The New America Foundation and Wired Magazine will host a discussion of what can, should, and must change when the Obama administration takes the reins.
Featured Speakers
Craig Newmark
Mindy Finn
Director of E-Strategy
Mitt Romney for President
Ellen Miller
Executive Director
Sunlight Foundation
Sascha Meinrath
Research Director, Wireless Futures Program
New America Foundation
Nicholas Thompson
Fellow, New America Foundation
Senior Editor, Wired Magazine
Co-sponsored by New America Foundation, Wired Magazine, and Google
To RSVP for this event:
For questions, contact Stephanie Gunter at (202) 986-2700 x 315 or