2016 Technology Trends among Mid-Life and Older Americans

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As Americans age 50 and older continue to grow their adoption of personal technology at an impressive rate, this report tracks technology attitudes and behaviors among this group over time. Highlights include device ownership, online activities, attitudes toward privacy, and the use of technology to stay connected with family and friends.

Device Adoption: Portable device adoption such as smartphones and tablets continues to grow among Americans age 50+, while adoption of traditional computing has flattened or declined. Over three quarters of adults 50+ (76%) own some type of computing device (desktop, laptop, or tablet).
Online Activities: E-mail and surfing the internet top the list of activities done on a computer or tablet by Americans age 50+. Among those who own such devices, top 5 activities are sending emails (82%), surfing the internet (81%), getting news (77%), getting directions or traffic info (72%), and making purchases (70%).

2016 Technology Trends among Mid-Life and Older Americans