35 Mayors and Elected Officials Call for Accessible Broadband Performance Information Following GAO Investigation
35 mayors and city officials sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission urging uniform and accessible reporting on broadband network performance. The letter, coordinated by Next Century Cities, was prompted by the findings of a recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, “BROADBAND PERFORMANCE: Additional Actions Could Help FCC Evaluate its Efforts to Inform Consumers.” Cities signing the letter include major metropolitan areas such as Boston (MA), Kansas City (MO), and Seattle (WA), as well as smaller communities such as Mount Vernon (WA), Salisbury (NC), and Yellow Springs (OH).
“The GAO report offers an opportunity to assess how we measure network performance,” said Deb Socia, Executive Director of Next Century Cities. “If we are truly committed to ensuring access to fast, affordable, and reliable broadband Internet, we need to think seriously about how we measure speed, cost, and reliability, and how we communicate this information to consumers.” City leaders encourage the FCC to heed the recommendations of the GAO, consider standardized measurement of network performance, and develop easily-comprehensible materials to communicate this information to citizens. The signers feel strongly that reliable, understandable information is critical for citizens and governments alike as they seek to develop next-generation broadband Internet.
35 Mayors and Elected Officials Call for Accessible Broadband Performance Information Following GAO Investigation