5 Reasons I'm Still Not Paying for a Music Subscription Service
[Commentary] Music is moving into the cloud, right? Access is replacing ownership of albums and song files, online streams are replacing desktop playback and mobile access is renewing interest in on-demand music subscriptions. Older services such as Rhapsody and Napster now appear prescient, though they never quite went mainstream, and newer ones such as Spotify and MOG are attracting big VC dollars. So why isn't Bonanos ready to pay for any of them?
1) There are still significant gaps in the catalog.
2) You still can't merge things you own with things you just want to stream.
3) Ownership of music still provides a smoother listening experience.
4) You can only share music with fellow subscribers.
5) You can still hear things that you don't already own without paying for them.
5 Reasons I'm Still Not Paying for a Music Subscription Service