9/11 Commission member to promote D Block auction

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Former-senator Slade Gorton, a member of the 9/11 Commission, will testify before the House Commerce Committee on April 12 that the D Block of airwaves should be auctioned to commercial providers in order to fund a broadband network for public safety agencies. That puts the former Republican senator from Washington at odds with the public safety community, the White House, and key senators, who would prefer to directly allocate those airwaves to emergency groups. According to his prepared testimony, Gorton will argue that funding, rather than the amount of airwaves, is what this issue hinges on. Strains on state and local government will make it more difficult for public safety agencies to receive funding to build out their networks, making an auction all the more important, according to Gorton.

9/11 Commission member to promote D Block auction Ex-911 Commission Member Says Auction D Block (B&C)