ACA Seeks Rejection Of Telco-Sought Modifications That Would Skew FCC’s Broadband Support Program

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The American Cable Association called on the Federal Communications Commission to retain balance in the new Connect American Fund (CAF) regime and reject modifications that seek to turn back the clock and maintain the old pro-incumbent system. Instead, the FCC should continue to ensure that the CAF delivers affordable broadband service to consumers and businesses located in some of the most difficult communities to reach efficiently and in a competitively neutral manner. ACA raised objections to some of the proposed CAF modifications, including those proposed by the United States Telecom Association (USTA). In ACA's view, many of these changes would, if adopted, misallocate resources, distort competition, and delay broadband investment by the private sector.

ACA Seeks Rejection Of Telco-Sought Modifications That Would Skew FCC’s Broadband Support Program