An Achievable Broadband Policy

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The National Broadband Plan is a chance for the FCC to articulate a vision for improving the deployment and adoption of broadband in the United States.

In two sets of comments filed this week with the FCC, we highlight recommendations that would encourage new entry into broadband markets, and encourage the FCC to put its treatment of broadband on a firmer legal ground. Additionally, along with many other public interest groups, we're a signatory to this statement encouraging the FCC to adopt a bold, yet pragmatic policy for promoting broadband. In order to provide a strong competitive check on wireline broadband, spectrum policy should focus on getting spectrum in the hands of new entrants. Additionally, spectrum policy should be pluralistic and pragmatic, recognizing that unlicensed spectrum uses like WiFi can do as much for broadband adoption as licensed services like 3G. Thus, we recommended to the Commission that it ensure that its spectrum policy promotes competitive entry of new licensed services, promotes unlicensed use, and promotes buildout of already-licensed spectrum.

An Achievable Broadband Policy Comments (Public Knowledge) Addition Comments (CFA et al)