ACHP Chair Asks Congress to Reject Legislative Proposals Allowing Projects to Bypass Historic Preservation Review Process

On behalf of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), Chair Sara Bronin has called on Congress to reject provisions in 15 bills that would exempt certain types of infrastructure projects from review under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Section 106 requires federal agencies to consider the effects of projects, carried out by them or subject to their assistance or approval, on historic properties. This consideration is accomplished through consultation with key stakeholders and consideration of the views of the public. Following a vote on the issue by ACHP members, Chair Bronin sent letters to Members of Congress in leadership positions, and she will communicate further with key offices about existing opportunities to develop “program alternatives,” which provide more flexible approaches for federal agencies to comply with the requirements of Section 106 review while meeting other federal mission requirements and needs.

ACHP Chair Asks Congress to Reject Legislative Proposals Allowing Projects to Bypass Historic Preservation Review Process