Acting Chairwoman Rosenworcel Remarks to Emergency Broadband Benefit Roundtable

Congress provided $3.2 billion for the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program, which will provide discounts of up to $50 a month for internet service, and up to $75 on Tribal Lands. It will also provide eligible consumers an opportunity to receive a discount on a computer or tablet. I believe in the urgency of now. We are stronger when we are all connected and this program is a powerful way to help make it happen. So we need to make the hard choices that are required and get it up and running. This means outreach efforts not only by this agency but also by all of our partners in this program and everyone represented here today. It means policies that encourage robust participation by providers. It means wrestling with the privacy challenges under the law. And it means making sure that participants have clear and easy-to-follow rules of the road.

Rosenworcel Remarks to Emergency Broadband Benefit Roundtable