Advertising Watchdog Sides with AT&T in Challenge Against Charter Over Backup Service

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Charter Communications said that although it “disagrees with NAD’s conclusion,” it will comply with modifications to an advertisement for its Spectrum Business Wireless Internet Backup service suggested by BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division (NAD). The challenge to the ad was brought by AT&T Services. NAD found that disclosures were not prominent enough and confusing. NAD “noted that even a more prominent disclosure of the specific limitations of the backup service may be ineffective in a context that claims, ‘complete connectivity and reliability’ and emphasizes ‘you never miss a beat.'” NAD suggested that Charter modify three claims about the backup service:

  • Provides “complete connectivity and reliability,”
  • Maintains the same level of connectivity and reliability during a power outage as during normal operating wired conditions, and
  • Is “made to keep you online even when the power’s off, with the complete connectivity and reliability you get from wireless internet backup.”

Advertising Watchdog Sides with AT&T in Challenge Against Charter Over Backup Service