Advocates Push for Permanent ISP Tax Ban
A half-dozen very different advocacy groups are united in their support for making the moratorium on Internet-access taxes permanent in all but a handful of states, and say the Federal Communications Commission's recent decision reclassifying Internet service providers as common carriers adds even more urgency. In a letter to House and Senate leadership, the groups -- which include Americans for Tax Reform, the US Chamber of Commerce, Rainbow PUSH and Consumer Action -- said that they needed to pass a pair of bills, HR 235 and S 431, as soon as possible.
Those House and Senate measures make the Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA) permanent. The groups wrote, "Regardless of what our organizations' positions might be on the regulatory action [title II reclassification] itself, we all agree that permanently extending ITFA will help mitigate potential adverse tax ramifications for consumers that could result from this ruling."
Advocates Push for Permanent ISP Tax Ban Bipartisan Letter in Support of PITFA (ITFAC)