ALA’s Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services and ProLiteracy receive IMLS grant to expand adult literacy services through libraries

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American LIbrary Association's Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services, in partnership with ProLiteracy, has received a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to develop online training and supporting resources to better equip librarians and library staff to serve adult learners. The grant award is $106,669. ALA President Courtney Young recognized IMLS’s investment: “We are thrilled that IMLS is helping us to build libraries’ capacity to expand services for adult learners through this important project. We look forward to partnering with ProLiteracy on the development of new free training resources for library staff and volunteers interested in implementing the Adult Literacy Action Agenda.”

The grant will put into practice priorities outlined in Adult Literacy through Libraries: an Action Agenda, a previous project of ProLiteracy, ALA, and Onondaga County Public Library. The new project’s goal is to increase and expand adult literacy services in public libraries across the nation. Entitled “Adult Literacy: Libraries in Action (ALL In Action),” the project will operate through March 31, 2017.

ALA’s Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services and ProLiteracy receive IMLS grant to expand adult literacy services through libraries