AM Revitalization Springs Forward
In October 2015, the Federal Communications Commission took the first steps in over a quarter-century to revitalize the AM broadcast service. AM radio has traditionally been the backbone of the broadcast service, and has time and again kept the public entertained and informed, as well as serving a vital role in times of emergency, disaster and severe weather. The Commission’s goal is to assist AM broadcasters in the face of increasing technical challenges to their service, such as interference from electronic devices. I am happy to report that those efforts have borne fruit, and that AM broadcasters are reaping the benefits of the Commission’s actions in the AM Revitalization proceeding.
To date, over 600 applications to relocate FM translators for AM rebroadcast use have been filed since the window opened on January 29, 2016. Audio Division staff have already granted 80 percent of those applications, and will continue to process these quickly to provide relief to the AM broadcaster applicants.
AM Revitalization Springs Forward