Announcement of opening date for Rural e-Connectivity Pilot Program application windows

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The US Department of Agriculture's Rural Utilities Service announced its general policy and application procedures for funding under the eConnectivity Pilot Program in late 2018. The Reconnect Program will provide loans, grants, and loan/grant combinations to facilitate broadband deployment in rural areas. This Notice announces the opening date for the ReConnect Program application windows. The Rural Utilities Service will begin accepting applications through https:// for all three ReConnect Program funding categories on April 23, 2019. Please note that each funding category has a different application deadline.

  1. 100 Percent Loan. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis from April 23, 2019 through July 12, 2019. If two loan applications are received for the same proposed funded service area, the application that arrives first will be considered first.
  2. 50 Percent Loan/50 Percent Grant Combination. Applications will be accepted from April 23, 2019 through June 21, 2019. Notwithstanding overlapping applications, generally all eligible applications will be scored and the applications with the highest score will receive an award offer until all funds are expended for this category. Scoring criteria can also be found on the website https://
  3. 100 Percent Grant. Applications will be accepted from April 23, 2019 through May 31, 2019. Notwithstanding overlapping applications, generally all eligible applications will be scored and the applications with the highest score will receive an award offer until all funds are expended for this category. Scoring criteria can also be found on the website https://

USDA is making available up to $200 million in in program level for grants, $200 million in program level for loan and grant combinations, and $200 million in program level for low-interest loans. RUS retains the discretion to divert funds from one funding category to another.

Broadband Pilot Program—ReConnect Program