Anthony Scaramucci Announces Mystery Media Venture
The arc of Anthony Scaramucci’s career is long and strange, and lately it has bent toward ignominy. After being fired by President Donald Trump, sued for divorce and turned into a late-night piñata for his foul-mouthed speaking habits, Scaramucci is trying to mount a comeback with a media venture he is calling The Scaramucci Post.
So far, the project’s contours are vague. “It’s going to start out experiential on the net,” Scaramucci, an American flag pinned to his lapel, said during a launch party at the Hunt & Fish Club on West 44th Street. He was invited to elaborate. “We’re going to create traffic and content and an experience using Facebook, Instagram and Twitter,” Scaramucci said. (The @ScaramucciPost Twitter account, with its caveat that “Follows ≠ Job Offers,” has been something of a mystery in political circles.) The publication is so devoted to its social media strategy that it has no journalists, no articles and no website — apparently by design. “You’ll find that if you don’t have a website, guess what? You don’t have any server charges,” Scaramucci said. Later, he conceded that he had “no idea what the Scaramucci Post is.”
Anthony Scaramucci Announces Mystery Media Venture