Anti-spying measures slipped into funding bill
House lawmakers slipped a number of anti-spying provisions into a funding bill that went through the chamber on June 3. Members of both parties included measures to rein in snooping from the Drug Enforcement Administration, National Security Agency and other agencies in the Commerce, Justice and Science (CJS) Appropriations Act. The action comes days after President Barack Obama signed into law legislation ending the NSA’s bulk collection of Americans’ phone records, and as surveillance critics eye new avenues for reform. Passage of the USA Freedom Act “was a long overdue step, but Americans’ right to privacy is still under attack,” said Rep Darrell Issa (R-CA).
One amendment from Rep Issa, which was adopted without opposition, would ban the use of “StingRay” devices without a court order. The tools, also known as “IMSI catchers,” replicate cellphone towers and scoop up information about people’s phone data and location. Local police have been known to use the devices, as have the FBI and US Marshals Service. In the process, the activity has stirred up controversy about the agencies’ ability to warrantlessly pick up innocent bystanders’ information. “For years, the federal government has worked with state and local law enforcement agencies to spy on American citizens using the secretive Stingray program,” Rep Issa said. Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO), meanwhile, added an amendment prohibiting the DEA from ever restarting a previously secret program collecting bulk records about people’s phone calls. The program -- which was revealed earlier in 2015 -- was halted in 2013. Two other amendments included in the bill would ban the government from forcing tech companies to place “back doors” to get around their security measures, and limit the NSA 's ability to weaken encryption security guidelines.
Anti-spying measures slipped into funding bill