Apple, AT&T Face Multiple iPhone Lawsuits

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The iPhone 3G was the most popular smartphone of 2008, and it sold more than 13 million units. But not every customer has been happy with the device. Four lawsuits have been filed in the last two weeks regarding the 3G connectivity and the durability of the device. Separate suits have been filed in Florida, New Jersey, and Texas, and they all basically claim that the iPhone 3G is a flawed device that cannot provide adequate 3G reception. The actions are seeking an injunction preventing the companies from spreading "false" advertising and punitive damages. All four complaints cite a report from the Swedish engineering publication Ny Teknik, which said Apple's handsets aren't sensitive enough to adequately receive the 3G signal. Some of the complaints also bolster their claims with the U.K. Advertising Standards Authority's decision to ban multiple iPhone ads because of their claims that the device can access the entire Internet.

Apple, AT&T Face Multiple iPhone Lawsuits