Apple Clarifies: We Don’t Own The Content You Put Into iBooks Author

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When Apple first released its free iBooks Author software, some were upset about its end-user licensing agreement, which states that works created in the program must be sold exclusively through Apple. The company has now tweaked the EULA to make it a bit more clear.

It’s still the case that non-iPad devices won’t support *.ibooks files without some tweaking and converting—which could cause them to lose most of their enhancements, and also is forbidden by the EULA—so the updated license agreement does not really change anything except to possibly make some people a little less mad. The new EULA clarifies that Apple does not somehow own the content you create in iBooks Author; it only seeks control over works outputted in the *.ibooks format. So it’s fine for a user to repackage that content into, say, a Kindle book.

Apple Clarifies: We Don’t Own The Content You Put Into iBooks Author