AT&T Is Counting on Government Stimulus Dollars to Help Fund Its Broadband Future

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AT&T Chief Executive Officer John Stankey  considers the expansion of AT&T’s fiber network part of his strategy to refocus the company around offering greater telecommunications connectivity now that it’s left behind its dream of being a media powerhouse. Stankey’s sights are now set on a pool of almost $100 billion in federal funds allocated for broadband deployment. Although Indiana is part of AT&T’s 21-state telecommunications service region, the company will soon announce a widening expansion into markets outside its traditional territory. AT&T’s top-three criteria for extending fiber to a market are to address the underserved, make a profit, and be the first provider of fiber to the home in the area. AT&T says it has no interest in duplicating other companies’ fiber networks or running a community network owned by a municipality. Ultimately, Stankey emphasizes that AT&T's focus will be last-mile connections as such connections are the "most sustainable." 

AT&T Is Counting on Government Stimulus Dollars to Help Fund Its Broadband Future