Barton Eyes December Action On Telecom Reform Measure

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[SOURCE: Technology Daily, AUTHOR: Drew Clark]
House Commerce Chairman Joe Barton (R-TX) said he was still seeking a date in December for a subcommittee vote on draft legislation that would make broad revisions in the nation's telecommunications laws. That would lead to a full committee vote next year "as soon as possible -- which would be in March," Rep Barton told a telecommunications policy forum sponsored by Congressional Quarterly . He added, “We do want to get a bill that we can send to the President in this Congress.” Speaking at the same event, Rep Ed Markey (D-MA) said he believed a bipartisan bill is possible, but noted 30 policy changes and 2,100 word changes between the first draft of the telecom overhaul bill -- which he supported -- and the second, which he opposes. Rep Markey wants changes tightening the definition of "network neutrality" to require that cable TV and Bell telecommunications companies not discriminate against the content of competing communications providers using their networks. He also wants to restore language from the first draft to ban telephone companies from buying cable operators.

Barton Eyes December Action On Telecom Reform Measure