BEAD Program Initial Proposal Guidance
The Initial Proposal is the “first draft” of an Eligible Entity’s Final Proposal for Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program grant funding, and, among other things, should explain how States and Territories will ensure that every resident has access to a reliable, affordable, and high-speed broadband connection, drawing on all funding available to accomplish this goal, including but not limited to BEAD Program funds. The BEAD Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) outlines 19 requirements of the Initial Proposal and requires Eligible Entities to submit a middle-class affordability plan. Eligible Entities have 180 days from receipt of their Notice of Available Amounts to submit a completed Initial Proposal and, if applicable, an Initial Proposal Funding Package to the NTIA. Eligible Entities are encouraged to submit Initial Proposals as early as possible within the 180- day window.
BEAD Program Initial Proposal Guidance Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program info