Becoming Broadband Ready Means Community Innovation and Collaboration

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Next Century Cities teamed up with the Internet Society and Neighborly to create the Becoming Broadband Ready toolkit. This comprehensive toolkit provides local leaders with a roadmap to encourage broadband investment in their community. While every community will choose to tackle connectivity a little differently – a small island community and a large urban center will likely have unique considerations and approaches – there are many common threads that run through successful broadband projects. Becoming Broadband Ready compiles these threads into an easy-to-use and impactful resource for any community, providing resources specific to: Establish Leadership; Build a Community Movement; Identify Goals; Evaluate the Current Circumstance; Establish Policies and Procedures to Support Investment; Prioritize Digital Inclusion; Identify Legislative and Regulatory Barriers; Explore Connectivity Options; Explore Financing Options; Be a Clear Collaborator; and Measure Success.

[This piece originally was published July 3]

Becoming Broadband Ready Means Community Innovation and Collaboration