Beltway Media Still Buried In Denial About Trump And Today's Fox News GOP
[Commentary] Donald Trump and his xenophobic campaign continue to soar in the GOP polls as he unfurls an endless stream of outrageous proposals. (Bring back U.S.-sanctioned torture! The government needs to close down some American mosques!)
Fact: Trump really has emerged as the perfect Fox News era candidate. He's a bigoted nativist. And he's a bullying, congenital liar who wallows in misinformation. In the process, he's winning over the demagoguery wing of the Republican Party that's been feasting off far-right media hate rhetoric for years. Now, by successfully neutralizing enough members of the press, Trump's created space for himself to maneuver while espousing jaw-dropping rhetoric that in the past would have been considered disqualifying for any candidate. So yes, of course Trump can win the nomination, partly because he embodies today's Republican Party, as reimagined through the intolerant lens of Fox News. We've never seen a campaign like Trump's in modern American history.
We've never seen a candidate soar to the front of the pack for months on end while espousing such divisive and often bigoted rhetoric. That's why it's long past time for the press to take off any lingering blinders: Fox favorite Trump is a truly radical candidate and he represents today's truly radical Republican Party.
[Boehlert is a Senior Fellow for Media Matters]
Beltway Media Still Buried In Denial About Trump And Today's Fox News GOP