Benton Foundation Advocates for Lifeline Reform
June 3, 2011
On May 31, the Benton Foundation met with Federal Communications Commission staff to discuss Lifeline/LinkUp reform. The discussion focused on the following points:
- The need for the “one per residence” rule to be changed to accommodate group living situations. Benton suggested that the FCC clarify the rule so that it reads and is implemented as “one per eligible adult”.
- Benton stressed that this clarification would be achieve the program’s stated purpose to provide low-income or no income individuals with access to communications services.
- Benton noted that with the clarification to “one per eligible adult’ the program would likely need to expand their wireless offerings. This expansion would require a restructuring of the rules surrounding wireless Lifeline and Link Up services to ensure that participants receive adequate services and that the verification procedure is adequately rigorous.
- Benton then discussed the need for the FCC to reach out to other agencies that are managing social assistance programs and suggested and intergovernmental dialogue with HHS and HUD.
- Benton also discussed the need for the FCC to reach out at the community provider level. Benton suggested setting up meetings or a series of roundtables with volunteer legal services programs, homeless advocacy projects, women’s shelters, prison reintegration projects and assisted living facilities.
- Benton also noted that the clarification of the “one per eligible adult” rule would require a verification management system that is a robust and secure database.
Benton Foundation Advocates for Lifeline Reform