Berkman Points Way to More Research needed, Greenlining says
Several observations and findings from the Berkman Study warrant further expert examination. Most notable include the finding that median income, urban concentration and poverty all contribute to explaining levels of penetration and the examination of systematic programs that aim to increase the supply and demand of broadband. 1) FCC Must Expand its Inquiry to Examine how a NBP can Effectively Target Reducing Poverty and Inequality in order to Create and Maintain a Viable Economy. 2) FCC Must Expand its Inquiry to Better Understand How Poverty and Inequality Explains Levels of Broadband Penetration because Broadband Penetration is a Centerpiece in Economy Recovery and Growth. 3) NBP Must Include Heavy Investment in Internet Education and Skills Training.
Berkman Points Way to More Research needed, Greenlining says Digital Inequality: Information Poverty in the Information Age (Greenlining report)