Biden-Harris Administration Awards New Hampshire With $66 Million in American Rescue Plan Funds to Increase Broadband Access

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The US Department of the Treasury has approved an additional $66 million in broadband funding for New Hampshire under the American Rescue Plan’s Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund (CPF). New Hampshire was among the first four states to receive CPF funding from the Treasury, which approved its first award of $50 million in June. This approval completes New Hampshire’s $122 million total award, which the state estimates will help connect more than 24,000 homes and businesses to affordable, high-speed internet. New Hampshire was approved for additional CPF funding to support the broadband infrastructure programs that the state will implement using CPF funds; particularly the State's Broadband Matching Grant Initiative (BMGI). The BMGI is a competitive grant program designed to fund broadband infrastructure projects to bring high-speed internet to areas currently lacking service of 100/20 Mbps and will provide a state match to either a broadband provider or New Hampshire municipality to build internet infrastructure in areas of the state that, because of their topography, location, or cost, have not been able to access broadband internet. 

Biden-Harris Administration Awards New Hampshire With $66 Million in American Rescue Plan Funds to Increase Broadband Access