The Big Tech Companies That Love Net Neutrality Have a Ton to Gain From Its Demise

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A Q&A with Columbia Law School professor Tim Wu. 

Wu said, "It's always been the secret. Facebook, Google, all these companies, to their credit, have said, 'Net neutrality is how we were born. It's the most important to us,' but everyone also knows that it's to some degree to their advantage to climb up the ladder and pull it up after them. They have mixed motives in this area. Their consumers want them to be pro, and actually their employees are pretty pro–net neutrality. I don't think they would ever say, 'This is in our interest. We'll just do this and lock out our competitors.' It's against their philosophy, but not their business interests."

The Big Tech Companies That Love Net Neutrality Have a Ton to Gain From Its Demise