Black lawmakers press Facebook on ads that exclude users by race

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Members of the Congressional Black Caucus are pressing Facebook to change an advertising feature that allows advertisers to exclude certain racial groups. “We are writing to express our deep concerns with reports that Facebook’s 'Ethnic Affinities' advertising customization feature allows for advertisers to exclude specific racial and ethnic groups when placing housing advertisements,” they wrote in a letter to Facebook on Nov 1. “This is in direct violation of the Fair Housing Act of 1968, and it is our strong desire to see Facebook address this issue immediately."

The letter was signed by Rep Robin Kelly (D-IL), the ranking member of the Oversight Subcommittee on Information Technology, and members from the House Commerce Committee, including CBC Chairman GK Butterfield (D-NC) and Reps Yvette Clarke (D-NY) and Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO). The lawmakers' letter also hammered Facebook on diversity at the Menlo Park (CA) tech giant. “With 2 percent of Facebook’s U.S. employees being African American, and 4 percent Hispanic, we remain convinced that a stronger commitment to diversifying the ranks of your company ... will help in ensuring that innovative and inclusive platforms continue to be promoted by your company,” they wrote.

Black lawmakers press Facebook on ads that exclude users by race