Blackburn Privacy Bill Hits Democratic Wall
Democrats aren't feeling the love for Rep Marsha Blackburn 's (R-TN) privacy bill, the BROWSER Act. "Despite her goal of bipartisan support, [Chairman] Blackburn has so far failed to attract a single Democratic co-sponsor a month and a half after the bill's introduction. And Democrats are pledging to follow through on their plans to make the privacy issue a campaign talking point in the 2018 congressional elections, seeking to punish GOP lawmakers for their 'creepy' and 'indefensible' move to axe the Federal Communications Commission's landmark rules shielding consumer data," they write. "Bottom line is, Republicans made every effort to get rid of the FCC privacy provisions, and at this point, I don't think that their efforts are credible," said House Commerce Committee Ranking Member Frank Pallone (D-NJ).
Added Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA): "All I know is that she led the charge on ripping privacy protections away from every single American on the internet. I think that's the reason she introduced another bill. This is CYA [cover your ass]." Chairman Blackburn, for her part, had this retort: "The failure of Democratic leadership to substantively engage on this issue is revealing and belies other motives."
Blackburn Privacy Bill Hits Democratic Wall