Bozeman saluted for forward stance on broadband

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Of the new priorities Bozeman city commissioners added to their strategic plan recently, perhaps none will prove to be more consequential than declaring broadband internet service to be essential infrastructure – just as important as streets, bridges and water and sewer systems. It was a logical next step in the city’s broadband policy evolution. It started six years ago with the formation of committee of professionals and business owners that identified a demand for high-speed internet service in the city. That was followed by the creation of Bozeman Fiber, a non-profit organization tasked with constructing a broadband network. The basic mid-city network has been completed and connects the city, county and the Bozeman School District with high-speed service. The city has spent a little over $1 million on this project so far. The county and school district pay about $50,000 a year for access to the network. The city should be able to recoup its investment through those fees and fees paid by future users. The city’s involvement in this venture has been forward thinking.

Bozeman saluted for forward stance on broadband