Bridge to Everywhere: Practical Considerations for Philanthropy for Expanding Broadband Access in Rural Communities
This paper is designed as a guide for philanthropic organizations interested in narrowing the digital divide, or the gap between those with internet access and those without, in rural communities. Philanthropy’s role in this space is not always clear. Broadband expansion is technically complex, extremely expensive, and often viewed as the domain of government and/or internet service providers. The authors’ intent is to demystify this complex topic and provide concrete examples of how philanthropy can support long-term solutions that connect rural communities and enable them to access and benefit from this technology. We do not intend to provide a comprehensive guide, but a starting point from which philanthropic leaders can then decide to explore further. This guide focuses heavily on physical broadband infrastructure and affordable access because in many rural communities, they present the most immediate challenge. However, digital inclusion is also an extremely important area that may benefit from philanthropic investments.
Bridge to Everywhere: Practical Considerations for Philanthropy for Expanding Broadband Access in Rural Communities