Britons lead the world in online shopping
Britain has embraced internet shopping more than any other major country in the world, according to figures from Ofcom, the UK’s communications regulator.
British online shoppers spent £1,175 per head last year – up 16 percent over the year -- which is £307 higher than the second-ranked country, Australia, and more than double the average spending per head of all the big countries featured in the research. Italy and Spain spent the least online per head in 2012, with figures of £126 and £180, respectively. Ofcom found that British shoppers trust online retailers more than other countries and have more confidence in the way products are advertised online.
The UK also had the highest spending per head on mobile internet advertising in 2012, rising by almost £5 to more than £8 per person. This is the first year on record that Japan has not had the greatest spending, and Ofcom attributed the rise to an increase in smartphone take up, along with the growth of search, app and Facebook advertising.
Britons lead the world in online shopping